Preschool Program

Preschool Program

The Preschool times years are a time of great creativity and social growth. We plan a day full of fun, engaging experiences designed to stimulate your Preschooler’s body and mind – and make learning fun.

At this age, school readiness becomes a priority. Our curriculum is focused on giving your child a solid foundation in the academic skills needed for Kindergarten and beyond.

The foundation of our Preschool curriculum is Creative Curriculum®, a nationally-recognized, state-approved program that helps your child develop the skills needed for school. We enhance this curriculum with the latest research into brain-based development, available only at Higher Peak Academy.

Your Preschool will love all the planned, fun experiences in language, math, science, social studies, music and art – and so much more!

In addition, we supplement Creative Curriculum with our exclusive Seeds of Literacy program. This program uses high-quality children’s literature to teach literacy concepts, including phonemic and phonetic awareness, letter recognition, and writing. The program builds character as children explore character traits such as responsibility, patience, creativity, and respect. Be sure to look for the Seeds of Literacy board in your child’s classroom to find out more.

Goals of the Preschool Program:

1. Social-Emotional Development

  • Promote sense of self
  • Encourage responsibility for self and others
  • Encourage social behavior

2. Physical Development

  • Promote gross motor and fine motor skills

3. Cognitive Development

  • Promote learning and problem solving skills
  • Encourage logical thinking
  • Promote representational and symbolical thinking